Read articles that explore intersections of animals with aspects of human society in popular culture, media, science, ethics, philosophy, art and more.
The empathic potential of animation
Animation provides an accessible way for advocacy groups to tell the hidden stories of animals.
New writing about animals
Can centring the animal voice transform the way humans sees animals?
Solidarity with Animals
Structural violence against animals is not compatible with the Great Transition.
Zoomorphising Humanity
True empathy comes from recognising that we're not at the centre of the world.
(Re) becoming Vegan
We aren’t born speciesist. When does the change happen?.
Dr Jane Goodall: “Change starts within”
Pioneering ethologist talks about harnessing our need to connect with nature .
Alex Lockwood, author of The Pig in Thin Air
Inspired by a story of daring escape, Dr Alex Lockwood explores the relationship of the body to animal activism.
How to bring animal rights into mainstream media
Animal jounralist Jane Dalton on speaking out on behalf of animals in the media.
Making Nature: How we see animals at The Wellcome Collection
A moving, sometimes tragic, reflection of how humans treat other species.